Spring Maintenance Checklist for AC Units

Spring Maintenance Checklist for AC Units

Spring may be best known as the time for cleaning and freshening up your home. However, it is also a prime time to take care of all of the maintenance tasks necessary to keep your home and yard in the best condition possible. One thing you may not want to forget is your HVAC unit. After all, with summer on the way, you know you will be giving the AC a workout soon. We've put together a checklist of the tasks you should complete during your spring AC maintenance.

Spring AC Maintenance ChecklistSpring AC Maintenance Checklist - Pittsburgh, PA

    • Air Filter Replacement - If you aren't replacing the air filter in your AC unit at least every 60 days or so, your AC is not working at peak performance. Do the light test. Hold your current filter up to the light and see if you can see any light pass through. If not, it needs to be changed.
    • Clean the Outdoor Unit - It is easy to ignore the outdoor AC unit unless something goes wrong. However, if you clean the twigs, leaves and debris from the unit on a regular basis, you can prevent many serious problems from occurring. Make sure you turn off power to the unit at the source before you get too close.
    • Look for Air Leaks - You may be able to use a piece of lit incense to find leaks around windows and doors, but an expert will know all the hidden areas that air can escape. Use waterproof caulk to seal these leaks and save money on energy costs.
    • Reprogram Your Thermostat - If you have a programmable thermostat, now is the time to program it for spring and summer settings. Don't let the AC run too much and cost you money!
    • Have a Professional Tune Up - A professional AC tune up will accomplish the little things that you may have trouble doing. The Pittsburgh AC technician will lubricate the moving parts of the unit, find any small parts that need repairing and refill the refrigerant—if necessary.

While some of the above tasks are easy for you to do on your own, others may require a bit more expertise. Reach out to us at Stahl Plumbing for affordable plumbing or HVAC maintenance and repairs. We look forward to working with you!